March 29, 2010



My last post was July 8th, 2008. It was regarding my excitement seeing GORT in the trailer for the remake of "The Day the Earth Stood Still". A movie I was almost alone in looking forward to. Although disappointing, it wasn't without its merits (of which I will maybe talk about in a future blog post).

Anyways. Not that I have any readers, but I would like to express my torment in my futile attempts (up until now) to access this once-lost blog.

In a nutshell, I got lazy only after 4 or so blog posts. Time passed, and I sort of forgot about it. One day I must've felt the urge to write about a film and remembered about this blog. Excited, I headed over to and tried signing in with what I thought was my log in information. I failed. I failed over, and over, and over again trying to figure out what account I used.

Silly me, I thought I used a yahoo account. And every time I tried logging in with it, blogger kept telling me I had to use a google account. I kept trying to have it send me emails for a password reset, but it kept saying it would send it to my gmail account. I was CONVINCED I used my yahoo account BEFORE blogger required gmail accounts.

So, months, and months, passed. I tried over and over again. Looked at the help articles and forums to no avail.

Then, just today, at 4:23 PM, I decided to try one more time before creating a new blog with a new account. And then it hit me. I remembered that I DID use a gmail account that closely resembled the name of this blog. Lo and behold, this account did exist and it worked.

So finally, I am back. I am back and I am blogging. Hopefully I'll keep it up now. And hopefully I won't forget my stupid gmail account...

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