June 27, 2008

Seeing WALL-E Tonight

My girlfriend and I are heading out to see WALL-E tonight.  

I've been very excited about this movie.  A new Pixar movie is like having a good friend you haven't seen in a while over for dinner.  Its a guaranteed good time.  I agree with John over at TheMovieBlog.com: Pixar not only is a good animation studio, but one of the best movie studios in general.  Not one movie is bad (although some are not as good as others, see: Cars).  I unfortunately have yet to see Ratatouille, which I hear is fantastic.  I'll have to check it out after WALL-E. 

So, expect my first ever movie review either this weekend or on Monday!

Will Smith to play Barack Obama

I heard about this a while ago, and my friend called this even way before that. According to CNN, if they are going to make a movie about Barack Obama, it is said Will Smith not only will play him, but even wants to play him!

Speaking with MTV earlier this week, actor Will Smith said he'd enjoy playing the Illinois senator in an upcoming movie and noted the two share at least one feature in common: rather large ears.

"It's all right here," Smith joked as he pointed to his ears. "That's the key. That's the key. America loves ears, you know? Mickey Mouse started it; Goofy and Dumbo followed behind. And America just loves ears."

I think this is a great idea. Both are incredibly charismatic people, and Will Smith as proven he has the chops to make great drama. I'm quite excited to see whether or not this comes to fruition.

Tribute added to The Dark Knight

As some may have expected, a tribute had been added to The Dark Knight. This is what CNN had to say:
The end credits of the "Batman Begins" sequel include a farewell note to Ledger, who died in January from an accidental overdose of prescription drugs; and to special-effects technician Conway Wickliffe, who was killed last September in a stunt-car accident.
I was unaware of the other guy's death. It sucks that no one cares as much for him as they do for Heath Ledger.

Further, I find it funny that when someone overdoses accidentally on prescription drugs, there's no sort of outcry from people like there would be if someone overdosed accidentally on illegal drugs. Does no one see the problem of over-medicating people, no matter what the drug, legal or illegal? Hey, at least you can't overdose on marijuana.

New "Mummy" Trailer

Here's the new addition to the "Mummy" series: "The Mummy: Curse of the Dragon Emperor" I found over at IGN.

I loved the first one. It wasn't the greatest movie ever, but it was fun. I only saw parts of 2, and it didn't impress me; but I shouldn't judge until I see the whole thing. However, this new one looks awesome. Should be a good time!

June 25, 2008

"Taken" Trailer

Came across this trailer over at IGN.  Looks pretty sweet.  I'm really intrigued by Liam Neeson's character. He seems so freakin' badass, yet all we really see is him talking on a phone.  The bit about telling his daughter the unfortunate truth of what was about to happen was refreshing, rather than the typical "Ohhh don't worry everything will be OK" unimaginative crap most thrillers would've done.

The Infinite Degrees of the Internet

I find it fascinating how one can get lost and totally distracted by using the internet, and how one thing leads to another, and to another, and so on and so forth. The reason I say Infinite Degrees of the Internet is because, just like how there's the "6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon", one can keep going from one thing to the next on the internet. So, today, I decided to document my internet travels to show how you can start off with one thing, and then go to something related, and then keep going until you're no where near where you first left off.

Ok ready?

So, I get to work today, and I check up on www.themovieblog.com (awesome site!). I saw a post in regards to a movie called Solarbabies. So, I decided to IMDb it (love how all these websites are becoming verbs - example: Google it). Whenever I check out a movie on IMDb, I always check the External Reviews to see if my favorite critic has reviewed it: Roger Ebert. (I'll save why I love him for another post). So, whilst reading Roger's review of Solarbabies, he mentions how he liked a particular actress in it: Jami Gertz. I then googled her (damn verbs...) to first see some pics of who she is, and then read up on her Wikipedia. In her Wikipedia, it states how she played a comic legend in a movie named Gilda Radner (I was not aware of who she was). So, I then googled her. Found out she was a great comedienne who was married to Gene Wilder (love him!). Unfortunately, Gilda suffered from ovarian cancer, and essentially died (in a weird way). There was a quote from Gene Wilder regarding Gilda's death (which describes the weird way she died):

"She went in for the scan – but the people there could not keep her on the gurney. She was raving like a crazed woman – she knew they would give her morphine and was afraid she’d never regain consciousness. She kept getting off the cart as they were wheeling her out. Finally three people were holding her gently and saying, "Come on Gilda. We’re just going to go down and come back up." She kept saying, "Get me out, get me out!" She’d look at me and beg me, "Help me out of here. I’ve got to get out of here." And I’d tell her, "You’re okay honey. I know. I know." They sedated her, and when she came back, she remained unconscious for three days. I stayed at her side late into the night, sometimes sleeping over. Finally a doctor told me to go home and get some sleep. At 4 am on Saturday, I heard a pounding on my door. It was an old friend, a surgeon, who told me, "Come on. It’s time to go." When I got there, a night nurse, whom I still want to thank, had washed Gilda and taken out all the tubes. She put a pretty yellow barrette in her hair. She looked like an angel. So peaceful. She was still alive, and as she lay there, I kissed her. But then her breathing became irregular, and there were long gaps and little gasps. Two hours after I arrived, Gilda was gone. While she was conscious, I never said goodbye."

This quote really choked me up. With George Carlin dying, and looking at Gene Wilder and hearing about this, it saddens me that these great people won't be with us much longer.

And this is all from visiting a friggen movie blog.

Honest to Blog

What better way to kick of a movie blog post then a movie quote? Surely you've seen Juno, and if you haven't, then WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU? GO SEE IT!

Couple things I want to briefly go over. I'm new to this. I have no idea where it's heading. I'm sure my posts during my first month or so will lack a clear focus, except for the fact that most of them will be about movies. Also, the title is Mostly Movies because I'm going to probably want to talk about other things besides movies. Rest assured, most of what I write will be about movies, except the occasional epiphany or need to rant.

With this said, please enjoy.