I find it fascinating how one can get lost and totally distracted by using the
internet, and how one thing leads to another, and to another, and so on and so forth. The reason I say Infinite Degrees of the Internet is because, just like how there's the "6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon", one can keep going from one thing to the next on the
internet. So, today, I decided to document my
internet travels to show how you can start off with one thing, and then go to something related, and then keep going until you're no where near where you first left off.
Ok ready?
So, I get to work today, and I check up on www.themovieblog.com (awesome site!). I saw a post in regards to a movie called
Solarbabies. So, I decided to
IMDb it (love how all these websites are becoming verbs - example:
Google it). Whenever I check out a movie on
IMDb, I always check the External Reviews to see if my favorite critic has
reviewed it: Roger Ebert. (I'll save why I love him for another post). So, whilst reading Roger's review of
Solarbabies, he mentions how he liked a particular actress in it: Jami
Gertz. I then googled her (damn verbs...) to first see some pics of who she is, and then read up on her
Wikipedia. In her
Wikipedia, it states how she played a comic legend in a movie named Gilda
Radner (I was not aware of who she was). So, I then googled her. Found out she was a great
comedienne who was married to Gene Wilder (love him!). Unfortunately, Gilda suffered from ovarian cancer, and essentially died (in a weird way). There was a quote from Gene Wilder regarding Gilda's death (which describes the weird way she died):
"She went in for the scan – but the people there could not keep her on the gurney. She was raving like a crazed woman – she knew they would give her morphine and was afraid she’d never regain consciousness. She kept getting off the cart as they were wheeling her out. Finally three people were holding her gently and saying, "Come on Gilda. We’re just going to go down and come back up." She kept saying, "Get me out, get me out!" She’d look at me and beg me, "Help me out of here. I’ve got to get out of here." And I’d tell her, "You’re okay honey. I know. I know." They sedated her, and when she came back, she remained unconscious for three days. I stayed at her side late into the night, sometimes sleeping over. Finally a doctor told me to go home and get some sleep. At 4 am on Saturday, I heard a pounding on my door. It was an old friend, a surgeon, who told me, "Come on. It’s time to go." When I got there, a night nurse, whom I still want to thank, had washed Gilda and taken out all the tubes. She put a pretty yellow barrette in her hair. She looked like an angel. So peaceful. She was still alive, and as she lay there, I kissed her. But then her breathing became irregular, and there were long gaps and little gasps. Two hours after I arrived, Gilda was gone. While she was conscious, I never said goodbye."This quote really choked me up. With George Carlin dying, and looking at Gene Wilder and hearing about this, it saddens me that these great people won't be with us much longer.
And this is all from visiting a friggen movie blog.